About Us

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Social Justice Ireland is an independent think tank and justice advocacy organisation that advances the lives of people and communities through providing independent social analysis and effective policy development to create a sustainable future for every member of society and for societies as a whole.
  • We advance the lives of people and communities by working to build a just society.  In doing this we give special priority to national and international issues related to poverty, inequality, social exclusion, sustainability and the environment.
  • As an independent think tank Social Justice Ireland is a significant research resource in the area of social justice and public policy. We provide accurate social analysis of the current situation on an ongoing basis and identify effective policy proposals to address challenges.  
  • We are one of the leading advocates for the changes needed for a future that is sustainable economically, environmentally and socially.   We identify credible alternatives and effective pathways to resolving challenges faced across a wide range of public policy.  
  • Social Justice Ireland works to ensure that every member of society, and society as a whole, can flourish and thrive in a sustainable manner.  We have a special concern for those who are vulnerable or on the margins of society. We believe that the dignity of all is enhanced when those on the margins of society are included.  Consequently we promote the development of an inclusive society in which everyone’s rights and responsibilities are recognised and honoured.
  • We work both nationally and internationally. The inter-relatedness of the local and the global requires that issues be addressed at different levels to ensure appropriate solutions are identified and implemented. We bring this perspective to bear on all we do.


Independent in our mission, research and analysis of policy.
Visionary about an achievable, sustainable future and the best ways to achieve it.
Responsive to policy, opinion, needs and environment.
Credible in the purpose of our work, in the quality of research we offer and in the values we promote.