Social Justice Matters 2021 guide to a fairer Irish Society
In this socio-economic review for 2021 Social Justice Ireland presents a detailed analysis of a range of key matters which are central to social justice; a vision of Ireland’s future as a just and sustainable society, and a policy framework to move consistently and coherently towards becoming a just society. It also sets out detailed policy proposals needed to move in this direction.
View the presentation launch here.
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View the guide and launch presentation
Purchase a copy of Social Justice Matters
Social justice matters. That is why Social Justice Ireland publishes our annual socio-economic review. This book is about charting a course to a fairer Ireland.
At the foundation of that is what model of development we follow. Irish society has been making a major mistake in believing that economic growth would lead to all problems being resolved. While economic growth has indeed allowed Ireland to improve living standards, infrastructure and public services, and become one of the world’s most prosperous countries, the benefits of these improvements have been distributed in a grossly unequal fashion. Ireland needs a more appropriate model of development. This publication addresses these issues and seeks answers to the questions: where do we want to go, and what do we need to do to get there?
You can purchase a copy of Social Justice Matters for €20 (including postage and packaging). Click on Add to Cart below to pay directly by credit card.
You can also send a cheque for €20 made payable to “Social Justice Ireland” to: Social Justice Ireland, 1‑3 Burton Hall Road, Sandyford, Dublin 18, Ireland.