National Social Monitor - Care

Posted on Monday, 29 July 2024
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National Social Monitor - Care
National Social Monitor - Care - front cover
Page Content

The notion of care has often been undervalued and inadequately addressed within policy frameworks. Yet, the receiving and giving of care is woven through the life cycle, in early years, later years and for some, throughout all stages of their lives. Carers, whether paid or unpaid, in all capacities, are the linchpin of this fundamental pillar of human dignity, and contribute significantly to society each year. As we navigate through an era marked by profound demographic shifts, economic transformations, and evolving social dynamics, the imperative to prioritise care within our societies becomes increasingly evident. 

Care is a fundamental value and practice that covers a broad spectrum of actions, responsibilities, and attitudes aimed at supporting the well-being and development of individuals, communities, and environments. This National Social Monitor looks at the issue of care from the perspective of social justice and equity. Our policy proposals cover a broad spectrum of issues and adopt an inclusive approach to care. 

This edition of Social Justice Ireland’s National Social Monitor does not attempt to cover all the possibilities and challenges posed by the challenge of Care. This paper is offered as a contribution to the ongoing public debate.