Housing Costs and Poverty 2022

In this edition of Housing Costs and Poverty 2022, we take a look at this data for 2021, how mortgage interest and rent payments impact on the poverty rate of various household types most closely associated with higher rates of poverty in previous years, and the impact of housing subsidies such as the Housing Assistance Payment, Rental Accommodation Scheme and Rent Supplement as a means to supporting social housing tenants.
As this is the second time this data is included in the SILC release, we can also compare with 2020 data to provide a more comprehensive analysis. It is important to note that it is mortgage interest, and not capital payments, that are included here. These data only relate to the cost of servicing the home, not the asset costs. Similarly, rent payments are only those paid in respect of the home.
It is clear from this and other data published by the CSO recently and referred to in this briefing, that people of all circumstances are struggling with housing costs, but some circumstances are harder than others.