A New Social Contract, A New Social Dialogue: Building a Better Future - Conference Videos, Papers and Graphics

Posted on Tuesday, 8 December 2020
2020 conference speakers

Session 1: International Perspectives

Watch now as Ann Pettifor and Philippe Pochet give their take on what a New Social Contract might look like in a post-Covid, post-Brexit reality.

To read Ann's full paper, CLICK HERE. To see graphic reporting of Ann's presentation, CLICK HERE.

To read Philippe's full paper, CLICK HERE. To see graphic reporting of Philippe's presentation, CLICK HERE.

Session 2: Irish Perspectives

In the second session of the day, we heard from Joe Larragy of Maynooth University and Colette Bennett of Social Justice Ireland on the chances of a new Social Contract in Ireland and what that might look like.

To read Joe's full paper, CLICK HERE. To see graphic reporting of Joe's presentation, CLICK HERE.

To read Colette's full paper, CLICK HERE. To see graphic reporting of Colette's presentation, CLICK HERE.

Session 3: A New Social Dialogue

The third and final session of the day was a robust panel on the need for A New Social Dialogue. Each of our five speakers - Danny McCoy (IBEC), Patricia King (ICTU), Damian McDonald (IFA), Karen Ciesielski (IEN) and Seán Healy (Social Justice Ireland) provided short presentations (20 minutes each) followed by a panel discussion and Q&A.


Panel Discussion

To read Danny's full paper, CLICK HERE. To see graphic reporting of Danny's presentation, CLICK HERE.

To read Patricia's full paper, CLICK HERE. To see graphic reporting of Patricia's presentation, CLICK HERE.

To read Damian's full paper, CLICK HERE. To see graphic reporting of Damian's presentation, CLICK HERE.

To read Karen's full paper, CLICK HERE. To see graphic reporting of Karen's presentation, CLICK HERE.

To read Seán's full paper, CLICK HERE. To see graphic reporting of Seán's presentation, CLICK HERE.

To see graphic reporting of the Q&A Session, CLICK HERE.

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