Conference Proceedings: A New Social Contract, A New Social Dialogue: Building a Better Future

Posted on Tuesday, 18 August 2020
a new social contract a new social dialogue

The present moment presents an opportunity that must not be missed. If Ireland is to succeed in addressing the challenges identified here, the pathway to doing so must be founded on consensus, must be well-managed, and must be properly evaluated. We need a new Social Contract underpinned by a new Social Dialogue. We must look at the framing of this Social Contract in a national and international context and hear the views of all stakeholders to shape this process.

Ireland would greatly benefit from having a social dialogue structure that would engage all sectors at a national level. Social dialogue involving all sectors of society enables the development of mutually acceptable solutions to problems that emerge. This in turn would make it more likely that support for such solutions can be secured when implemented by Government. People who have been involved in shaping decisions are far more likely to take responsibility for implementing these decisions.

The chapters presented in this book set out both the rationale and a comprehensive pathway towards A New Social Contract, A New Social Dialogue. We trust that those engaged in shaping Ireland’s future for the coming decades will find it of value.