Social Rights for All? Time to Deliver on the European Pillar of Social Rights - Conference Videos and Papers
On Wednesday, 17th November 2021, Social Justice Ireland held our Annual Social Policy Conference. This year's Conference was on the theme 'Social Rights for All? Delivering the European Pillar of Social Rights'. On the day we heard from a range of international and national speakers, from Santina Bertulessi, Head of Cabinet for Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights; Bea Cantillon, Professor of Social Policy and Director of the Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy at the University of Antwerp; Maria Petmesidou, Emeritus Professor at Democritus University; and Ana M. Guillén, Professor of Sociology at the University of Oviedo, Spain.
Our Irish speakers included Hugh Frazer, expert on European policies to combat poverty and social exclusion, especially child poverty; Seamus Boland, CEO of Irish Rural Link and President of the European Economic Social Council - Diversity Group III; Tom McDonnell, Director of the Nevin Economic Research Institute; and our own Michelle Murphy and Colette Bennett.
All videos, papers and presentations are now available for download.
Session 1: Watch now as Santina Bertulessi, EU Commission and Michelle Murphy, Social Justice Ireland discuss the Pillar of Social Rights, how they can be realised and why it is so important that they are, followed by a Q and A. The full papers can also be accessed here.
Session 2: In the second session of the day, we heard from Liina Carr, ETUC, Bea Cantillon, University of Antwerp, Ana M Guilllén, University of Oviedo and Maria Petmesidou, Democritus University - Greece as they discuss the Pillar from a variety of perspectives, followed by a Q and A. The full papers can also be accessed here.
Session 3: The third and final session of the day featured presentations from Hugh Frazer, Maynooth University, Séamus Boland, EESC, Tom McDonnell, NERI and Colette Bennett, Social Justice Ireland as they discuss what the Pillar of Rights could mean for Ireland, followed by a Q and A. The full papers can also be accessed here.