Just Transition Commission

Posted on Wednesday, 23 October 2024
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Just Transition Commission
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Social Justice Ireland is delighted to announce that our colleague Michelle Murphy has been appointed by Government to the Just Transition Commission.  The Just Transition Commission will have a key role in advising and supporting the government to ensure that the move to a climate neutral economy is fair and benefits everyone. As a former member of the Just Transition Taskforce Michelle looks forward to working with the other appointed members of the Commission in advising and supporting Government so that climate policies work for everyone and benefit all communities.


The Just Transition Commission will have a key role in advising and supporting the government to ensure that the move to a climate neutral economy is fair and benefits everyone. Key tasks facing the Government in delivering a just climate transition include the need to maximise employment opportunities, and to support people and communities that may be most negatively affected by the transition away from fossil fuels, and to put engagement and sustainable community development at the heart of its approach.

Membership of the Just Transition Commission comprises nominees from the five pillars of social dialogue, together with independent experts with backgrounds in a range of areas relevant to the work of the Commission, including human rights and equality, skills development, rural and community development, social inclusion, the green economic transition, and youth perspectives.

The members of the Just Transition Commission are as follows:

  • The Commission will be chaired by Ali Sheridan, Independent Expert
  • Vanessa Kiely O’Connor (Agriculture Pillar)
  • Michelle Murphy (Community and Voluntary Pillar)
  • Conor Minogue (Employer Pillar)
  • Oisín Coghlan (Environment Pillar)
  • Ryan McKinney (Trade Union Pillar)
  • Diarmuid Torney (Independent Expert)
  • Evan Boyle (Independent Expert)
  • Seamus Boland (Independent Expert)
  • Suresh Kumar (Independent Expert)
  • Tanya Ward (Independent Expert)

In line with the approved Terms of Reference, the functions of the Just Transition Commission will be:

  • To prepare and analyse strategic evidence-based research in relation to just transition: to anticipate and inform long-term climate policy and investment planning, including focusing on the potential impacts, risks and opportunities arising from the climate transition for different sectors of both the economy and society, including the social, economic and employment impacts of this change and the policy responses required
  • To evaluate, advise, and comment on policy planning and implementation and progress on the application of Ireland’s just transition principles into national and sectoral climate policies, based on high-quality, evidence-based analysis
  • To provide strategic advice and engagement on just transition: the Commission will support the National Dialogue on Climate Action, as well as any dialogues on climate/just transition matters within individual sectors, in engagement on the implementation of climate programmes agreed by government
  • Sectoral or regional engagement and road-mapping: the Commission may, on its own initiative, or at the request of the government, undertake proactive engagement with particular communities, sectors or regions facing specific acute or long-term challenges arising from the transition, and advise government on strategic co-ordination by the agencies of the State, on any interventions or targeted supports which may be helpful to address the challenges being faced by that community, sector or region.

Our briefing on policy options for a Just Transition is available here.